There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligible to reclaim income tax. 估计现在有800万人有资格申请所得税退税。
It is estimated that oil imports make up to thirty percent of national income in some parts of the Pacific. 据估计,在太平洋地区的某些国家石油进口高达全国收入的30%。
To compile the ranking Forbes estimated entertainment-related income for the 12 months from June 2012 through June 2013 by talking to agents, managers, producers and executives. 福布斯通过与经纪公司、经纪人、制片方和管理人员进行交流,从而估算出从2012年6月至2013年6月这12个月间的娱乐业明星的收入。
Comparative statement of actual and estimated profit and loss combined statement of income and retained earnings 预期损益与实际损益比较表损益及保留盈余合并表
The new arrangement makes the estimated investment income of the fiscal reserves more stable and helps with budgeting. 新安排使财政储备的估计投资收入更为稳定,并有助编制财政预算案。
As the price of estimated income being capitalized, it is a means of turning the monetary capital independent and making use of financial tools for a second round of profit distribution. 虚拟价格是预期收入资本化形成的价格,是货币资本独立化运动、利用金融工具再分配利润的手段。
She estimated her Hong Kong income, supplemented by meagre earnings from her farm back home, yielded 24,120 pesos a month. 曼哈雷斯估计,她在香港的收入,加上她家乡农场的微薄收益,总共为每月2.412万比索。
He estimated the likelihood that they would marry, using dozens of variables known to predict this, such as race, income and family background. 他运用种族、收入、家庭环境等几十项参数来预测这些女性结婚的概率。
Finally, the comparison estimated premium income arbitrage and hedging costs. 最后,比较预估溢价套利收益和套利成本。
The extra money is needed to help plug an estimated shortfall of$ 400m a year in the IMF's current income and expenses by 2010. 在2010年之前,IMF需要得到额外资金,帮助填补目前每年4亿美元的收支缺口。
The negative terms-of-trade impact of high oil prices is estimated at around three percent of income in oil-importing low-income countries. 据估计高油价对贸易条件的负面影响相当于依赖石油进口的低收入国家国民收入的3%左右。
The current rate is10% of such estimated or actual amounts of annual rental income. 现时通用的利率是每年估计或实际租金收益金额的10%。
We estimated his income at/ to be about 8000 a year. 我们估计他一年的收入大约8000英镑。
This paper estimated the return rate of human capital and main influencing factor in China in 1990 and 2000 based on classical Mincer income equation and variables of education, experience and region, and made the basic judgment about characteristic of human capital in our country. 以经典Mincer收入方程为基础,通过引入教育、经验与区域变量,对1990年和2000年我国人力资本收益率及其影响因素进行估计,形成了关于我国人力资本发展阶段特征的基本判断。
This dissertation estimated housing demand elasticities, mainly the income and price elasticity, separately in rental and dealing market. 这篇论文系统的估计了重庆市住宅租赁和住宅交易市场需求的各种弹性,其中以收入弹性和价格弹性为主。
Then forecasted the sale amount of oil by using sale forecasting model, estimated income and other date, made financial reports and evaluation; 其次应用销量预测模型预测成品油销量,估算销售收入等数据,并在估算其他相关数据的基础上编制财务报表,进行财务评价;
The result of study shows: the real average tax rate of Individual Income Tax at present is much lower than the optimum tax rate having been estimated, so the improvement of the average tax rate will bring enormous increasing of the tax income in theory. 研究结果显示:目前我国个人所得税的实际平均税率很低,与测算出的拉弗最适税率有相当大的差距,因此在理论上平均税率的提高可以带来巨大的增税空间。
In this paper, the market value and non-market value of different type agricultural land resources in Wuhan City were estimated by the methods of random sampling, income approach, and contingent valuation. 运用收益还原法及条件价值评估法(CVM)对武汉市不同类型农地资源的市场价值和非市场价值进行估算。
The paper estimated the Gini coefficient of urban residents 'income from 1996 to 1997 in Beijing, and analyzed the influences of main factors in income difference of urban residents. 测算了1996年和1997年北京市城镇居民收入的基尼系数,并分析了影响居民收入差距的各主要因素的影响程度。
After analyzing how human capital return related to income disparity, the paper estimated educational return and how it varies by educational attainment and income distribution. 在分析人力资本回报率变化对收入差距影响的基础上,本文运用抽样调查数据估计了教育回报率及其随教育程度和收入水平的变化。
Forth, to build the semi-logarithmic income the decision model, based on estimated income determinants of the employment of college graduates, and Shapley value of income gap decomposition method to get the various factors on this basis the interpretation of the degree. 四,构建半对数收入决定模型,估计出大学毕业生不同就业阶段收入水平的决定因素并进行对比分析;同时在该模型的基础上利用Shapley收入差距分解法得出各因素的贡献度。
When estimated company income tax, we built linear regression model, lighted the ideas and the steps. And then simplified the model according to the characteristics of data. 在对企业所得税税收收入能力进行估测时,建立税收因素法估测模型,阐述了估测思路和步骤,根据数据的特点确定因素的选择,并简化测算模型。
In this study, we found that the impact is positive, but the income of urban residents consumption level is estimated to be greater than the estimated coefficient of rural residents 'income. 在研究中我们发现,城乡居民的收入对于居民消费水平的影响都是正向的,但是城镇居民的收入对消费水平的估计系数要大于农村居民收入的估计系数。